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Writer's pictureLeRoy Cossette

Understanding the Landscape of Now: A National Diagnosis

A Trump rally.
Understanding the landscape of now is important in healing the nation.

American Insanity by LeRoy Cossette is perhaps one of the best books on political apathy and how to combat it out there. It dissects the current ills of the United States and explains neatly how we got here. It brings to the fore the foundational principles of this country and demonstrates how a full-throated return to it.

A National Diagnosis: American Insanity

Published in 2020, American Insanity lays out pointed and insightful perspectives and critiques of the current American political system. It is a scathing indictment of a very corrupt and tyrannical government that has strayed so far from its roots.

There is no denying that we are seeing a decline in the American project. The fundamental principles and institutions that made this country great have been captured and slowly whittled away. This is a direct consequence of a pervasive political apathy that has grown like a tumor among the citizenry.

This growing apathy has created a vacuum that has been quickly exploited—to devastating effect—by destructive forces of division and threatens to undermine the very foundations of the republic.

A man holding up a #StopPutin sign.
Understanding the landscape of now is important in healing the nation.

Understanding the Landscape of Now: The Roots of Apathy

The climate of cynicism that is spread over the country is the result of a profit-driven media apparatus. There is only sensationalism and partisan rhetoric wherever you turn your head, and it has created a deep divide between neighbors, families, and friends. The emergence of social media companies has only made these rifts deeper and farther apart.

Because of this, millions of people feel powerless and have detached themselves from the democratic process.

The consequences of this growing apathy are becoming clear now. When citizens are disengaged from the very systems of government that are meant to protect them, they cede ground and power to special interests and elites. These small groups of people then proceed to enact policies and regulations that only benefit their bottom line and fill their coffers, exacerbating inequality and social divisions at the expense of many.

This in turn, only makes people more apathetic and makes them more vulnerable to political apathy. Thus, the cycle continues.

Understanding the Landscape of Now: The Rise of Populism

While special interests and elites take advantage of an apathetic population to do whatever they want, political apathy also opens them up to being charmed by the venom of populism. When people find themselves attracted to populism, they invite damaging and terrible ideologies into their midst, such as communism and fascism.

By stoking the fears and anxieties of voters, populist movements gain traction and power. Look at Nazi Germany, the USSR, Maoist China, and many others. What happened to those countries is happening here.

When these movements come into power, the established political order may be toppled. This may sound good on paper, but what ultimately follows is state oppression and the destruction of personal freedoms.

A man talking on a megaphone.
Understanding the landscape of now is important in healing the nation.

Photo by Lara Jameson

Understanding the Landscape of Now: Polarized Politics

The decline of the American political landscape is most evident in the gulf between voters. There has never been a time when America was more divided and so partisan. Neighbors can't get along with each other. Parents and children no longer talk. Marriages are broken up. These are dark times for unity and shared principles. No one wants to listen to anyone anymore. Rarely is the call for public discussion and free-thinking heeded. The continuation of this polarization leads only to the strengthening of the divide and the further erosion of the republic.

So, where do we go?

Treating the Insanity of the United States

A multifaceted approach is needed to address the crisis of political apathy. To revitalize America, there needs to be a great reconciliation between the voters. It is important to remind everyone that there are only the people. There is no government without the people. There is no nation without it. What exists exists insofar as people believe they need to exist. Their power comes from us, the people.

But before that can even happen, the current tide of madness must be stopped whether it is inside the voting booth or outside.

If you want a clearer diagnosis of America's national illness, American Insanity by LeRoy Cossette is available for order through this link.

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