On Saturday, March 1st, the Haywood County Republican Party held its 2025 Annual Convention—and, in my opinion, it was a very successful one at that!
This year, one of the main functions of the annual convention was to elect new officers to lead the county party for the next two years. Those who were elected are as follows:
County GOP Chair: Rick Stello
County GOP First Vice Chair: LeRoy (Le) Cossette
County GOP Second Vice Chair: Sherry Lewis
County GOP Secretary: Josh Mashburn
County GOP Treasurer: Michael Loomis
Congratulations to each of you and God speed in the tremendous challenges ahead.

I believe that the Chairman has, at his side, a Haywood County GOP "Dream Team" of dedicated American Patriots with the passion, determination, and "will not quit" attitude needed to ensure Republican candidates win in both the upcoming November municipal elections and the critical 2026 mid-term elections.
Trump is full steam ahead with his America First initiative. Now, we have Haywood County Republican Party officers, an Executive Committee, and dedicated volunteers ready to have President Trump’s back.
As a team that includes every Haywood County Registered Republican, we will be fully engaged, relevant, and working together to ensure that Haywood County is a "Bold Red" County come November 2026.

This will not be easy, and there will be many disappointments ahead that we will confront together, But, as a team willing to boldly and unapologetically step up our game and become personally engaged to ensure that we never return to the dark years our Constitutional Republic suffered under the heavy hand of the Socialist-Democrat Party, we will prevail. We will "Win, Win, Win."
Remember, we are just one election away from losing everything we have won this past November, and that election will happen in November of 2026. The Democrats are in panic mode and they know that to survive as a Party they must win back at least one of the congressional chambers.
They will change their game plan to once again gaslight the American people into voting them back into office with lies and false promises, and the only thing standing in their way is our determination not to let this happen ever again.
We need every Haywood County registered Republican to take time and reflect on just how close we came to losing our Constitutional Republic and to understand that the threat of losing our Constitutional Republic is still very real and very possible.
Suppose we do not take control and keep control of the political landscape at the local level. In that case, that failure will undermine everything President Trump is trying to accomplish at the federal level. You must understand that all politics begin at the local level and what happens at the local level will eventually filter its way up to the federal level.
We need you, each one of you, to find it in your heart to stand with us in fighting this war against socialism in America. Please find the courage and determination to help by volunteering to work with the Haywood County Republican Party to stamp out the Democrat Party's attempt to forever transform our Nation into a Nation of obedient servants.

Volunteering and attending monthly meetings will not only help save our Constitutional Republic, but also give you a great sense of purpose and accomplishment. It further offers you a fantastic opportunity to socialize with people who truly feel the same way you do about the freedoms and opportunities only available in the United States. It is a way to make good new friends.

The Haywood County Republican Party holds Town Hall meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM at our Headquarters office at 297 North Haywood Street in downtown Waynesville. Both elected and unelected political influencers will speak at these meetings and answer any questions you may have regarding their stand on critical issues facing Haywood County, North Carolina, and the U.S. as a whole.
If you have questions regarding volunteering or our monthly Town Hall meetings, please feel free to contact the Haywood County GOP office at 828-246-9696 or me at cossettele@gmail.com or 251-979-3803. I will assist you in every way possible.
